Scouts and Scout Families,

As I think about the times we are going through, which is new to all of us, I continually think about the Scout Law and how it applies to our current situation.  As many of you are aware, we have postponed all regular Troop Meetings while school is not in session.  Depending on how things continue, more events may come in to play, but we will decided that when the time is appropriate.  In the meantime, we have an opportunity to continue our scouting journey in a “different” way.  How can we do this?
These can still happen in small groups – 3-4 people at most (BOR requires 3 committee members and scout).  We can also do a Scoutmaster Conference virtually (via video) if need be.  At this time, unless there are time sensitive situations, we will likely wait to do Scoutmaster Conferences until we return to regular meetings.
Again, in small groups or individual settings – we can get outdoors.  In fact, the sun and fresh air is a good thing from everything I have seen and heard.  Take the opportunity to get outdoors a little and enjoy the time you have away from school and other functions.  This would be a great opportunity to work on Plant and Animal ID.
You can still work on these at home and I encourage you to do so.  Mrs. Boehm found a wonderful list of Merit Badges that do not require a high level of meeting with a counselor and/or group (see attached document).  Just remember, the rules still apply.  Before working on a Merit Badge you must ask me then get a blue card AND reach out to the counselor.  If you do work on it prior to these rules, you run the risk that the counselor may not accept the work you have done.  The same goes with rank requirements – if you need service hours approved by your Scoutmaster – just email me….don’t assume I am ok with it.
As we face “uncertain times” the first thing that comes to mind is A Scout is Brave.  Please know that we live in one of the best possible areas when it comes to health care and treating viruses and illnesses.  Also, please do not panic….if you follow the guidelines that are provided to us by our government leadership and health care professionals, we will slow down this entire thing. Along these same lines, be friendly, courteous and kind to others – they too are experiencing a lot of emotions and feelings about these unknown situations.  Be helpful – lend a helping hand and/or a roll of toilet paper or paper towels to someone in need.  Be obedient in your health habits.  Maybe a better word is meticulous.  Do not go half way when washing your hands and keeping clean. Obviously Clean falls into this as well.
Finally, let’s be Cheerful. This will be under control in due time.  In the meantime we must make the best of it.  Keep working on your requirements and taking this opportunity with no school and sports, to get ahead.  For those working on Eagle – your clock has not stopped just because everything else has – KEEP WORKING HARD!
May the Great Scoutmaster of All Scouts Be With Us Until We Meet Again….
Mr. Boehm